Rachel Butler
The Cavendish Impact Foundation

Rachel Butler is president of Cavendish Impact Foundation (CIF), a nonprofit whose mission is to accelerate innovations in health to address the world’s unmet medical needs. CIF uses philanthropic funds as catalytic capital for impact investing to support early-stage health and life-science companies developing innovative and transformational technologies.

Previously, Rachel served as senior vice president of family office and investor relations at Cavendish Global. She managed relationship development for the investor side of the Cavendish community, as well as the programing for Cavendish Global’s Impact Forums.

Earlier in her career, Rachel was co-founder and editor-in-chief of Asthma Magazine, a direct-to-consumer patient education publication on asthma and allergy. Asthma Magazine was the source of all patient education materials for the launch of Merck Pharmaceutical’s first-in-class asthma drug, Singulair. The magazine also was employed in patient education by the American Lung Association; the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology; the National Association of School Nurses; and physicians throughout the country. Rachel was instrumental in facilitating the sale of Asthma Magazine to Elsevier Health Sciences, a leading publisher of medical journals, where she continued as editor-in-chief.